Workplace transformation

Workplace transformation is a set of duties that allow us to increase the quality of the environment, so that work can be motivating and effective.

Every transformation is a process, which starts in the current place and ends in a destination. Are you aware how should your model workplace look like? The place, that encourages you to come to work every monday. The place that is well communicated, with a convenient parking space. A peaceful place, that is well organised, with a designated space for meetings with your team. In another part of the office, there is a place where you can prepare your favourite tea and play table football…

Will you be more efficient in an office like that? Surely, but how should you create such place?

Teamgnesda Vienna team completed over 100 such transformations for small, family companies, international corporation branches, as well as public institutions and universities.

In order to undergo such transformation you should, in cooperation with teamgnesda, go through a series of thoroughly thought decisions and actions as:

  • Creating strategy of the office space and description of the workplaces,
  • choosing the office space ( localisation, functionality )
  • planning the space, taking into account specifics of Your company
  • furnishing and equipping the space in a way, that will allow your personnel focus on effective work.

As soon as everything is ready, moving to the new place should be planned in a way, that will not interrupt continuity of your service and will not have any influence on customer satisfaction.

One thing you should always remember: even when all these steps were done properly, nothing lasts forever. It requires a noticable amount of work to maintain all office services in good condition.